Tuesday 12 January 2016

Ice Bucket Challenge

Business Science Reveals Secrets Of Viral Phenomenon Ice Bucket Challenge

Ice Bucket Challenge
Image from Youtube.com
In mid 2014, precisely in July appeared a viral that had worldwide, . The viral phenomenon is Ice Bucket Challenge. Even though it looks simple with only a challenge for the creepy full bucket of ice water into our bodies, but the message He adds social campaigns to help people with the disease ALS, these activities eventually able to attract the sympathy of many people who later flocked to.
No common activities initiated by a social agency, has managed to attract millions of people around the world from various professions. Ranging from artists, officials, celebrities the world to ordinary people all knocked out by this one activity euphoria. In fact, reportedly from a social campaign that has collected funds totaled $ 100 million.
If viewed from the side of the business turns out there are some secret science of marketing is contained in this one phenomenal activity. And such knowledge could be applied in the business that we manage. Here's the full review.

1. Directly To The Point

Modern consumers tend to prefer the content to the point without beating around the bush and quite long. Although in some ways required a more detailed description, but in general the modern consumers feel more comfortable when instantly get what they want.
This is very apparent in the challenge Ice Bucket Challenge. Starting from a short challenge to one or a few people, those who are challenged will choose to pay a donation or take on the challenge of his body flush with a bucket full of ice water. Although this process is very short but effective and attractive.

2. Make Something to Cheer And Easy Followed

Everyone would like entertainment. Witness the antics and amusing others, often it will also make us want to follow him. And the challenge of Ice Bucket Challenge, seeing people's expressions when holding cold ice has been exposed to water, is one of the points that can attract people not only to see but also to follow.
Likewise in introducing a business, we can start by giving the identity of that business or the products we offer something that is fun and can be followed by everyone. Other examples of the like product advertising campaign Oreo cookies, with taglainnya "Rotated licked Dicelupin", very easily imitated and also interesting.

3. Containing Message Challenge

In some conditions sometimes consumers will also be awere with our business, if there is a challenge in the process of marketing that we do. As performed in Ice Bucket Challenge, challenge each other and continue the process of rolling can create a very large multiplier effects.
Especially when the challenge has spread to the scope of the world, it will provide great benefits to our business brand. Branding process by this method but can save costs but also can create incredible viral effect.

4. Give Time Limits

As we all know when someone challenges Ice Bucket Challenge to another person, the person who gets the challenge given time for 1 times 24 hours to complete. In this case the time limit given is actually an amplifier so that the process continues to run with the fast multiplication.
Likewise, when we do a variety of programs in marketing efforts such as the provision of a promotion or special programs, it would be better if we also include a specific time limit for the consumer to be able to use it. So indirectly by consumers will be encouraged to immediately take advantage of our offer.

5. Include the Positive Will

In some past article, I had mentioned about what was positive will or positive purpose. Positive will be interpreted as a positive goal that we include in the process of branding and marketing our business. Generally will positively associated with social or humanitarian activities as well brought about by the activities Ice Bucket Challenge.
Basically consumers also have a sense of high concern to the other things going on around him. By presenting it to the branding process, indirectly, consumers will get more value after the satisfaction could help.

Noteworthy is the presence of the positive goals also carries a great responsibility to our business.We must be able to maintain that trust. Because when it comes to the consumer aware of any action that it violates the joint mission, the "penalty" to be the business we receive may be more severe than just abandoned by consumers.


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