Saturday 23 January 2016

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and danger

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and danger

Teens and young adults have unique biological clock. 
Until the age of late 20s, we have a tendency to sleep late and wake up later in the day.Coupled with a variety of academic and social demands, so reduced sleep time to respond to various challenges. As a result many of adolescents experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness due to sleep debt burden.Later excessive sleepiness has become such an epidemic that is experienced by many people. Even plague many teenagers and young adults in Indonesia. We can see how the consumption of energy drinks and caffeine are very popular among the young. In daily practice, I also found the teen-young adults came to the clinic with complaints of excessive sleepiness. However, after undergoing various examinations, the patients who suspected he was suffering from sleep apnea (snoring) or narcolepsy turns diagnosed with behaviorally induced Insufficient Sleep Syndrome ( BISS). What's this? 


Simple,BISS is a sleep disorder that is caused by the reduction of beds to result in excessive daytime sleepiness. Usually BISS experienced due to the demands of achievement.Patients BISS, consciously reducing sleep time for study or work. For a short time, sleep deprivation has no real consequences. But if done continuously for a long time, sleepiness becomes increasingly difficult to control. In the brain, BISS resulted directly in a decrease in the ability of the brain and emotional conditions. A group of researchers in South Korea found that adolescents with BISS will have academic achievement lower than colleagues who slept normally. The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine also states that the burden of sleep debt, which is seen from oversleeping on weekends , a sign of declining academic performance. Although it can be suffered by an adult, usually the age group of teenagers and young adults are more susceptible. This is caused by different biological rhythms teens and social schedules.Teens tend to sleep late, while the activity has begun the morning. 

How menghidarinya?

 First, start to prioritize sleep! Be aware that lack of sleep actually lowers the ability of concentration and memory. You will not be able to perform with a focus and a bad memory. Know that the bed is also a process of memory consolidation. All materials hapalan as neatly arranged in the memory during sleep. Furthermore, limit social life associated with the gadget. One comment on social media will continue in reply comments. Before realizing, at last seconds to minutes and we've been chatting on social media at the expense of long hours of sleep. Be careful, if you start sleeptexting meaning that the debt burden has been very severe sleep. Set the schedule properly. Since the late afternoon to finish all the work until late at night there was no work left. Or if you feel more comfortable studying at night, set the social life conducted in the afternoon. Do not learn the system of racing last night. Cicil all the lessons in advance. Exams under conditions of sleep deprivation is very ineffective. Emotional, could not focus and difficult to understand the questions provided. Avoid caffeine and energy drinks in the afternoon.Know that caffeine works about 12 hours. Set consumption in the mornings only. Achieving it requires hard work. But more importantly, work hard smartly. Until now, no one else can replace substance restorative effects of sleep. So, smart move to improve performance is to look at the health of sleep! 


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