Friday, 9 October 2015

Pregnancy Want to Stay Healthy? 5 Things To Avoid It

Pregnancy Want to Stay Healthy? 5 Things to Avoid It  Pregnancy for a woman is a time when mothers have to be careful in everything. And rightly too, a pregnant woman should think twice before doing anything risky or endanger themselves and their babies. Therefore, pregnant women at least equip himself with a lot of reading in order to find out information about anything that could endanger her and her baby (womb).
Pregnancy Want to Stay Healthy? 5 Things To Avoid It

Various food and bad habits of a mother who is pregnant can harm the fetus and the mother's condition itself if we as women do not know anything are allowed and what is not allowed.
And here are five (5) it is important that pregnant women should avoid if you want to have the pregnancy and the unborn baby stay healthy.
  1. Alcohol
Whatever the form, any brand, and whatever the situation should never consume alcohol when you are pregnant. Many studies have shown that consuming alcohol while pregnant can cause interference with the baby in the womb.
Not a few of the mothers who consume alcohol during pregnancy give birth to children who have abnormalities or disorders and medical problems. There is no minimum dose for consuming alcohol when pregnant. So, you should avoid alcohol completely.
  1. The food is not boiled or cooked
The food is not boiled or cooked. Ranging from vegetables, fish, meat, or eggs can be a source of bacteria that are harmful to you and your baby.
One example of bacteria that is very dangerous for pregnant women coming from food that is not thoroughly cooked is a bacterium listeria that can cause infection listeriosis.
These bacteria can pose a serious threat to the health of infants and mothers. Listeria bacteria can cause complications of pregnancy or delivery, even these bacteria can cause a person to experience a miscarriage.
  1. Stress or depression
It is important for a pregnant woman to avoid stress or depression because it would be a very bad effect on pregnancy and babies. A mother who often stressed and have an emotional disorder will lead to the disruption of infant brain development. Moreover, for those who are pregnant.
  1. Avoid caffeine
Coffee, cola, and energy drinks are a source of caffeine that can increase the risk of miscarriage. Important for you to know that caffeine can also cause babies born with low birth weight (LBW). It is important to know that you do not consume more than 200 mg of caffeine per day. because it can make the baby sick.
Caffeine as dangerous as alcohol. Caffeine is very dangerous, especially for the health of infants, therefore, turn to drink fruit juice as an alternative to a more healthy and safe.
  1. Smoke
Smoking during pregnancy can cause very serious health problems. Especially for you and your baby, some risks that can be caused by smoking them are.
  • Miscarriage
  • Low birth weight (LBW)
  • Death
  • Premature birth
If you stop smoking today, because it will benefit you and your baby. The sooner you quit the better to keep your pregnancy.
In addition to how the above problems, the actual habit of smoking a pregnant woman can cause.
  • Morning sickness or often called Nausea and vomiting
  • Ectopic pregnancy, and
  • Placental abruption.
Keeping the content, we are a responsibility that is duly implemented. Bijaklah before doing something so Mother.


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