Laptops that weigh 2kg now dah feels very heavy, what about the first laptop ever sold? Here weighed weighing 10kg. The Osborne is a first laptops were released and sold commercially in 1981 by Osborne Computer Corporation For $ 1795 Speknya want to know?
- The operating system (OS): CP / M 2.2 operating system (Control Program / Monitor)
- Memory: 64kb (64000 bytes)
- Floppy Disk 100Kb
- IEE 488 port (8bit parallel ports)
- RS-232-C Port (Serial port)
- The operating system (OS): CP / M 2.2 operating system (Control Program / Monitor)
- C-Basic
- Microsoft Basic
- WordStar (word processor, now that we often use ie MS Word)
- Super calculator
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