Friday, 9 October 2015

5 Food Consumption To Mandatory You Get Pregnant

5 Foods That You Compulsory Consumption To Get Pregnant | No doubt, that pregnancy is something that actually anticipated by any married woman. But unfortunately, they do not know, anything that must be consumed to get pregnant quickly. Most of them, less concerned with what goes into the body. In fact, all that we consume is very influential on the health and Kwa Lita egg.
5 Food Consumption To Mandatory You Get Pregnant

Health experts reveal that selenium is a mineral that has a huge impact on health, although only in very small amounts. Minerals are very closely related to fertility. Even recently researchers found that plays an important role in the fight against cancer. 
So, does that mean we should consume selenium in large numbers?
We all know that any excess is not good is not it? This was echoed by Mark Moyad, Md author of Handbook Supplement. He says that consuming too much selenium for example up to 200 micrograms per day can increase the risk of diabetes, aggressive prostate cancer, and skin cancer. In small quantities and sufficient, selenium is actually very useful. Especially, to prevent some diseases. However, as mentioned above, the amount is too much it will have the opposite effect.
Actually, selenium can be met through the food we consume daily. Consuming foods containing selenium may reduce the risk of cancer. However, utilizing a special course selenium to prevent cancer, according to research it is not any good.
If you include people who do not eat foods that can satisfy the daily amount of selenium. A good idea to consider the following menus incorporate these into your diet. Especially if you plan to quickly get a baby. Because, as stated above, selenium can increase fertility.
So for those of you who want to quickly get a baby, the consumption of the following foods in sufficient quantities.
1. Fish
Types of fish that have a high selenium content of which are Tuna. Tuna fish has excellent benefits for health. By eating about 3 ounces of tuna fish will help you more fertile and reduce the level of toxins such as heavy metals.
Some saltwater fish are also rich in selenium. Among them are sardines and shrimp. Insufficient quantities of shrimp and sardines can meet the needs of our daily selenium.
2. Nuts Brazil
Nuts Brazil has good benefits and rich in nutrients. These beans are a source of selenium and mineral resources. 1 ounce of Brazil nuts contains 544 mcg of selenium.
Selenium works with vitamin E and is part of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase and glutathione.
As mentioned above, you should not consume too much selenium. The maximum amount of selenium allowed about 400 mcg for adults. Therefore, try not to exceed the dose which was recommended.
3. The beef and poultry
beef and poultry as fish. Meat derived from cattle and poultry has a sufficient amount of selenium. Usually, beef contains 33 mcg. While turkey has 31 mcg. And chicken contains 22 mcg of selenium.
4. Cheese
Cheese is made from milk and has a delicious flavor contains approximately 20 mcg of selenium. In addition, the cheese also contains 103 mg of calcium per ounce. If you decide to buy cheese as a source of selenium, make sure the cheese does not contain carrageenan.
5. Grains
There are several seeds that contain enough selenium. Among them are, wheat and rice. It is the most convenient source of selenium that we found. Especially since we live in Indonesia nota bene NYA utilizes rice as a staple food.
That was some kind of food to get pregnant quickly. Please try.


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