Thursday 1 October 2015

Benefits of Honey for Health Body

Benefits of Honey for Health Body. Honey is a viscous liquid that has a sweet taste and is produced by bees and other insects from the nectar of flowers. If the wasps are in the nest of honey is removed from the bag honey nectar contained in the abdomen and chewed worked together with other wasps, if the nectar is finely placed in a cell, if the cell is full will be closed and it ferments. The sweet taste of honey dish bap Kan by elements of the monosaccharides fructose and glucose, and has a sweet taste similar to sugar.
Benefits of Honey for Health Body

Benefits of Honey for Health Body 

As Luka Drugs
Honey is useful as an antibiotic to prevent infection and make the network faster growth. Honey is very good for treating wounds. Since ancient times, our ancestors have been using honey as a wound medicine. However, only the original honey that can be used as a cure wounds instead of the honey mixture.

Soothes Nerves
Try to drink a mixture of two tablespoons of honey and a cup of chamomile tea before bed. It's beneficial for you to relax and sleep better.

As Anti-Bacterial
If you have a sore throat, try to consume 1-2 tablespoons eat honey. Honey can help eliminate the bacteria that cause the a sore throat. Antibacterial properties in honey act as an anti-inflammatory that can reduce swelling, pain, and speed the healing process. Antibacterial properties of honey can also serve to improve the digestive system when consumed by children regularly it will give you extra energy throughout the day. Energy derived from pure honey is also beneficial to help blood circulation to form the required blood can cleanse the body and blood.

Honey Instead of Sugar Healthy

justify; "> Honey is often used as a natural sweetener food or drink. Honey added to milk will improve the taste and increase the body's immune system.

Good for Diet
If you are undergoing a diet program, the honey could be the right choice in your diet program. A glass of warm water plus a teaspoon of honey and lemon is a healthy drink in the morning. Due to the nature of honey that can erode fat without reducing the energy, while the natural sugar in fruit juice prevents you from feeling exhausted when activity.

Against Parasites
A drink made from honey, vinegar, and water is the best cure to overcome stomach problems. Because these drinks can fight the parasites.

Against Insomnia
Insomnia was also able to overcome by eating honey. Because of its honey is able to reduce stress and make the body become more relaxed. So if you are experiencing insomnia, try honey.

As a source of carbohydrates
Pure honey contains carbohydrates that can provide energy to the body. Try to consume honey after you wake up to refresh the body and provide more energy in your body.

Help Reduce Morning Sickness
It helps women who experience morning sickness during pregnancy. If you are a woman who is pregnant so often consume honey.

Increase Calcium Absorption and Total Hemoglobin
Try to consume honey regularly, it's useful to increase the absorption of calcium and the amount of hemoglobin that can help to fight anemia.

Lowering Cholesterol
Honey helps to lower cholesterol and to increase HDL (good cholesterol). So, if you have a history of high cholesterol, try to consume honey regularly.

Honey has many benefits for our body, as already described above. Try to frequently consume honey to maintain your health


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