Thursday 1 October 2015

Characteristics of Teen Pregnancy

Siri- C envy Teen Pregnancy. Pregnancy is sure to be the desire of every woman who are married. But, what if pregnancy occurs in women who are still teenagers. Today's increasingly free association and the cases of women who become pregnant outside of marriage more and more. Pregnant out of wedlock should be avoided, and, therefore, the young women to be smart to keep yourself in the association so as not to get stuck into the wrong crowd. Pregnancy in adolescents, characteristics similar to the pregnancy in adult women, the difference is only on age. Teen pregnancy usually occurs at age 15 to 19 years, while pregnancy in women between ages 22 and older.
Characteristics of Teen Pregnancy

Characteristics of Teen Pregnancy

Breast distention
If pregnancy occurs, then it will be more sensitive breast is caused due to hormonal changes. Nipples were enlarged and dark, breast tightened, also the pain in the breast that exceeds the pain during menstruation.

Changes in body shape
abdomen, buttocks, thighs, and breasts will be enlarged if women become pregnant.

Mood changes
Mood changes due to the drastic hormonal changes in the body. it happens because the body is adjusting to the new hormone's presence.

Women who are pregnant often experience cravings, for example, suddenly want to eat certain foods.

Against Smell sensitive
Pregnant women are usually sensitive to certain odors, this leads to women who are pregnant quickly nausea and vomiting.

Feeling Tired fast and often Drowsiness
Increased progesterone causes pregnant women feel tired and sleepy.

Bleeding occurs Accompanied Stomach Cramps
Bleeding as blood spots pink or brown

redness after 11-12 days after intercourse. This is due to a fertilized egg enters the uterus lining. Usually in addition to bleeding accompanied by abdominal cramps that occur regularly.

Frequent urination
After menstruation delayed until one or two weeks bias desire to urinate more frequently than usual. This is due to the growth of the fetus in the womb and fluids in the body that increasingly processed kidneys and bladder.

Experiencing Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting occur usually one month after intercourse. Nausea and vomiting often occur in the morning, but sometimes occur in the afternoon and evening as well. The causes nausea in women pregnant is an increase in hormone HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the bloodstream.

Dizziness and Headaches
Women who are pregnant often experience dizziness and headaches, it is due to physical factors such as fatigue, nausea, hunger and blood pressure, low. While the cause is the emotional feelings of tension and depression.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can make the stomach be bloated, much like when women were going to come in.

Late Menstruation schedule
If the schedule regularly menstruating girls and adolescents that do not go too late menstruation or menstruation, pregnancy test immediately for fear of pregnancy.

Basal Body Temperature Remains High
Basal temperature is the temperature measured in the morning when I was just waking up. Use a thermometer to measure, place the thermometer under the tongue. Measure every day for 18 days. If during the temperature remains high, then it is likely that young women become pregnant.

Take a pregnancy test on young women who experience the symptoms that have been described above, to know the young woman is pregnant or not. But avoid teenage pregnancy, as it can be a disgrace if the unmarried adolescents and may also damage the future.


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