Friday 2 October 2015

Causes and How to Cope with Hair Loss in Natural

Causes and How to Cope with Hair Loss in Natural. Every average person has about 100,000 strands of hair and every day 100 strands of hair will fall out. Each strand of hair aged 4.5 years, with the growth of about 1 cm / month. Usually in the year to 5 hair will fall out and within 6 months will be replaced by new hair. When hair loss is more than 100 strands per day then this indicates you are experiencing hair loss.

Causes and How to Cope with Hair Loss in Natural

Causes That Cause Hair Loss

Some diseases such as lupus, syphilis, kidney failure or the effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients can cause hair loss.

Hormonal imbalances can also cause hair loss. An example of this is a woman's menstrual cycle. Hormonal changes occur during ovulation which can cause some hair to become thinner.

When you eat stress hair loss will be faster than ordinary moments.

Often varying hairstyles can also cause hair loss because some hairstyles cause hair attracted to its roots. Thus making the hair more fragile and easily broken.

Chemical material
Chemicals that are usually found on the materials used for straightening and hair coloring can also cause hair loss when used in excess. 

Zinc deficiency
Intake Zinc deficiency can cause hair loss.

Free Radical and Sun Exposure
Free radicals, exposure to the sun themselves, and pollution can lead to hair loss.

Binding habit Hair
Habits of women who tie their hair could be the cause of hair loss when the bond is too tight or hair tie in

long time.

Heredity Factors
If your parents often experience hair loss problems, chances are you also have the risk of experiencing hair loss problems anyway.

The phenomenon of loss of hair which occurs after pregnancy, major surgery, and weight loss called telogen effluvium. Women who experience hair loss telogen effluvium realized after 6-12 weeks of pregnancy use.

Scalp Unhealthy
An unhealthy scalp can cause inflammation which results in hair difficult to grow. Dandruff and use a shampoo that does not fit is some cause scalp becomes unhealthy.

Overcoming Hair Loss in Natural

Skin Apples
Apples contain polyphenols which can overcome the problem of hair loss. Puree apple skin then dabs on the scalp. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Egg yolk
Spread egg yolk on the scalp, massage the scalp for 15 minutes. After that wash hair thoroughly with shampoo. Perform this treatment several times a week

Olive oil
Squirt four to five drops of olive oil on the hair after shampooing, then gently massage your scalp. The good done at night so completely absorbed olive oil. In the morning wash the hair with shampoo to clean. Olive oil can improve the process of hair growth.

Green tea
The content of antioxidants in green tea can overcome the loss, improve hair growth, hair and keep it healthy.

Garlic or Onion
Puree onion or garlic. Then apply on the hair before you go to bed, during the morning rinse with shampoo to clean.

You can try the tips above to overcome the problem of hair loss you experience, good luck.


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