Thursday 1 October 2015

How to Treat Low Blood Pressure with Ease

How to Treat Low Blood Pressure with Easy. Low blood pressure or hypotension is sultan condition where a person's blood pressure falls below the normal rate, which reached a low value of 90/60 mmHg. Whereas, generally normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. 
How to Treat Low Blood Pressure with Ease

If you often dizziness, fatigue, and without strength you can suffer from low blood pressure. In the general examination, pulse was weak and people will look pale, it dies ebb Akan maximum blood supply to the entire body. If you have a history of low blood pressure then you have to pay attention to yourself because the disease is easy to relapse.Someone who has low blood pressure easy to pass, and if this happens to try to lay, people, with this position blood flow to the brain will men said smoothly, so people will be aware.

There are several things that can cause low blood pressure such as diarrhea. Diarrhea makes the sufferer weak and dehydrated. This condition can make a weak heart so that blood flow from the heart to the rest of the body can be disrupted. As a result, blood pressure is low. No breakfast, lack of rest, and stand up for too long can cause low blood pressure. Standing too difficult law causes blood flow to the head. Lack of blood pressure to the head men ebb Akan blood pressure is low and falls unconscious.
Decreased blood pressure can also occur because someone is bleeding from wounds. It could also be due to the dilation of blood vessels due to severe infection. Other causes are a weak heart conditions, heart attacks, and allergy medications.

Low you can do things like eat nutritious food, adequate rest with the head lower than the feet, always drink cold beverages, diligently exercising, drinking enough water, do not forget breakfast, avoid not sleep until late at night and avoid heavy physical labor.

How to Treat Low Blood Pressure

Spinach leaves
Take three handfuls of spinach leaves, wash thoroughly then mash until smooth, add a glass of boiled water and mix until the water changes color slightly greenish. Then strain and take water and buy sugar, then drink the potion water 2 times a day for three days.

Take the spinach leaves 250 grams, 10 grams of brown sugar, acid kayak 5 grams, onions 50 grams, 10 grams of red pepper, and salt 7 grams. Boil the spinach leaves but not too soft. Pound the other ingredients until smooth. Eating stew the spinach leaves and herb sauce with red rice. Do it every day at noon as side dishes.

Chicken broth
Take the chicken broth freshly boiled one glass, mix with one chicken egg and a little Gara mun Tuk relieve Amis NYA. Drink the concoction once a day for one week.

Special drinks
Boil 25 grams of brown sugar, 15 grams of ground coffee, and milk. Drink decoction of it before breakfast (sold out) and in the afternoon, make new potions again.

Those are some traditional medicine to cope with low blood pressure. In addition, you can also consume Nuts, meat and chicken liver, drink enough water every day, and also the consumption of bread and cereal. All that can help you cope with low blood pressure or hypotension, Read: Benefits of Citrus Fruits for Health


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