Wednesday 7 October 2015

5 habits of baby you should know

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There is some habits baby that must be known by you, young mothers or new mothers.Recognize and pay attention to baby habits is very important to support the health and growth of your baby.
Usually a new mothers, especially first child, often feel confused in the face of the doings of the baby. So they often take the wrong decision. And ultimately the actions of the young mothers can cause your baby's nutritional deficiencies or other things.
Here are five (5) infant habits that you must know that you can give him proper treatment.
  1. Baby suddenly fussy
A baby, of course, could only cry to express whatever he feels and wants. A mother can usually feel what causes fussy baby. However, some new mothers do not know exactly what causes fussy babies either at night or during the day.
Some of the reasons that may cause the baby to be cranky them are.
  • Colds
Colds can be the baby's stomach bloating and pain. This is because the baby is too much exposed to the fan or air conditioner.
It is important to keep babies warm and give ten oil or clothing that can protect him from the cold.
  • Moreover in some cases also often fussy baby as sleepy and can not sleep. A baby will cry when he found it difficult to close his eyes and in need of love and a place that made him feel comfortable.
  • Causes next fussy baby can be caused because the baby feel thirsty or hungry. Make sure you have a definite schedule when to breastfeed so that you can find out exactly why the child is crying if you are late lactation.
  1. After feeding, the baby still drinking milk from a bottle (Dot) offered
Some babies have a strong habit, especially in the suction-sucking so he'll suck anything you give. Starting from the nipple, a finger, even a milk bottle that is given.
If this happens to your baby, especially those just finished feeding, it does not indicate that the baby is really hungry and want to nurse.
  1. Frequency baby feeds, decreasing
With age and development of the baby, usually they will breastfeed more quickly and more frequently. It is actually reasonable because the baby had begun to starve and save a lot of food in the stomach, is supported by the baby's ability to suck in a shorter time and more volume.
  1. Breastfed babies all the time
There are some babies who are in the habit of feeding in a very long time. This is not due to hunger. Usually caused by the baby wants to be closer to you. Do not give formula or milk from the bottle because it is contrary to the purpose of the child itself, which is to close to you.
In addition, breast milk is easily digested by the baby so the baby can feel hungry just a few hours ahead.
  1. Babies sleep constantly
Newborns or infants as young as how many weeks will usually spend more time in bed. Often a young mother or a mother who just had their first child does not know about it. At this period, the baby should be woken up every 2 hours for breastfed. For, you can perform a number of ways ranging from tickling her feet or tickle in the bottom of his chin.
After a while usually the baby will fall asleep again, this is where the active role of a mother to be more sensitive in breastfeeding until the baby is full. Do not be fooled by the baby sleep while breastfeeding.
That was some of the habits of baby you should know. Hope it is useful


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