Friday 2 October 2015

Salak Fruit for Health Benefits

Salak Fruit for Health Benefits. Fruit bark or in the English language are called snake fruit is a fruit that the tree grows in the tropics, scaly skin like a snake that taste sweet, sour, or there is also a slightly astringent. Although it grows in the tropics, fruit which has the Latin name Salacca malacca demand by Europeans and Americans. Fruits have high nutritional content compared to the mango. So do not be surprised if fruits have many health benefits.

Fruit scale this one turned out to have a good nutrient content. Salak has a fairly complete nutritional content. Every 100 grams of fruits containing 77.0 cal calories, 0.40 grams of protein, 20.90 grams of carbohydrates, 28.00 mg calcium, phosphorus 18.00 mg, 4.20 mg of iron, 0.04 mg of vitamin B, and 2.00 mg of vitamin C.
Salak Fruit for Health Benefits

Salak Fruit for Health Benefits

Maintain Eye Health
Fruits contain beta-carotene which is 5.5 times greater than mangoes and 5 times larger than a watermelon. Try to consume the juice barking can be an alternative in maintaining the health of your eyes.

Intelligence Improve Brain
Fruits contain potassium and pectin. Potassium utilized by the autonomic nervous system, which is the controlling heart rate and improve brain function. Based journal "Integrative Center Therapies" bark content in the form of pectin can prevent and treat prostate cancer.

Can Overcome Constipation

There is a myth that fruits cause constipation. But the myth is not true, according FX Wahyurin Milano, a nutritionist from Dr. Soetomo say that it is better when men NSU MSI fruits do you dispose of the epidermis. Because the epidermis of the fruit is a fiber, the fiber content is what makes it possible to reduce constipation in your eating fruits. Salak also contains tannins known as anti-diarrhea.

Helping Diet Program
Fruits fit nutrition and diet program that can help. Besides bark also contains vitamin C, fiber, and tannin. Fiber can provide a sense of satiety for longer because it takes longer to be absorbed by the intestine.
Leaf bark can cope with the disease who have severe hemorrhoid
If you have a hemorrhoid disease try to make a concoction of 3 leaves bark, then boil with a glass of water, strain the cooking and drink with brown sugar. Drink twice a day, morning and evening.

Salak skin 
useful for treating diabetes dry and stabilize high blood pressure or low blood pressure. To treat diabetes dry and stabilize blood pressure, try to make a decoction of the bark like this
  • Take the skin of fruits to taste

  • Wash thoroughly with water

  • Then enter into the cauldron 

  • Pour enough water

  • Boil using small fire, to boil water

  • Strain and drink the water

  • 1 liter of water a day to drink a decoction of bark bark

  • Perform up to 2 weeks without a break, and you can prove results.

Besides the fruit, leaves and the skin can also be utilized for the treatment of disease. You can try the solutions that have been described above. Because in addition to easy to find, the park also relatively affordable price.


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