Thursday 1 October 2015

Causes Face Looks Old

Causes Face Looks Old. Perhaps you have seen people whose faces look older than her age. Or a friend you ever say that you look older than her age. I've seen a high school kid whose face looks like already fathers. Who wants to have "old face" Everyone would like to have a youthful face. It must be the desire of every person especially women. But is not often the reality is not as you wish. Maybe when you looked in the mirror you see wrinkles and fine lines that arise in your face, dry skin, dark spots, dry and rough skin, large pores and, of course and will be upset to see it all. That is some sign that you are experiencing premature aging. Below are the causes visible face look older than the age, namely:
Causes Face Looks Old

Causes Face Looks Old

Often Begadang
The night wind can affect the skin, the face will look dull and lose moisture.

One chose the foundation also can cause the face to look older. For example, by selecting a thick foundation so that the face look older or use a light foundation shade for those of you who already getting old so clarify the wrinkles on the face. Choose the right foundation for the skin face you.

Alcohol and Cigarettes
Too often drink alcohol and smoke will result in the appearance of skin wrinkles, dry skin, and face appear older. The content of toxins in alcohol and cigarettes can trigger free radicals that can attack the skin so that the dead skin cell turnover to be blocked.

Televisions and Computers
Too long watching TV and looking at a computer screen can cause the face to look older. 

Angry expression on the face can accelerate aging on the forehead and face. Often

frowned also accelerate aging in the forehead. Often laugh can also accelerate aging in the corner of the eye.

Air conditioner
Too long in the air conditioned room can also make skin dry so faster aging occurs.

Less Drinking Water
Drinking water is less than 8 glasses per day can also cause dry skin and face look older. Because drinking enough water needed for moisture.

Not Clean Face Before Bed
After the move, all day must be dust and pollutants accumulate in the skin and clog pores. Sempatkanlah cleanses your face before bed. With regular cleansing, the skin will feel tight and clean.

Lack of rest
Lack of rest causes dark circles around the eyes and accelerate skin aging. If you want to look younger, then rest enough. Because, at night time, stress hormone levels dropped to normal and dead skin cells are updated.

High Sugar Levels
High sugar levels that make you at risk for diabetes, but it is also high sugar levels can damage the collagen in the skin so wrinkles appear on the face. 

Healthy lifestyle at a young age can lead to faster aging occurs. Such as eating too many fatty foods and high-calorie. Therefore, you need to apply a healthy lifestyle in order and ate li hat agelessly and maintained their health.  

Diet Unhealthy
Unhealthy diet effects that affect the aging of skin damage can occur.

By knowing things and cause the face look older than her age, then we can prevent premature aging. If we can prevent premature aging, of course, we face can look younger, 


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