Monday 12 October 2015

How to Take Care Skin Naturally

Skin Care Body | Treating facial skin is more a concern of the women so often forgotten body skin. In fact, skincare for the body is also necessary to maintain the condition of the skin to stay healthy and smooth. Body skin dullness, acne, stained black even damage can occur due to several factors, such as bathing habits use hot water, too often in places where temperature is very hot or cold air-conditioning, a lifestyle that does not reflect a healthy lifestyle, skin too often absorbs impurities from air pollution and dust. How to care for skin naturally you can make a benchmark begin to try to maintain skin health and beauty of the body.
How to Take Care Skin Naturally

the first way is very easy for you to do in making the body's natural skin care is to not forget the consumption of water every day as much as 2 liters. In addition, consumption of fruits and vegetables and high-fiber nutrition is also very good for the health and beauty of the skin so that your skin looks always moist and glowing.
Sunscreen is the beauty products that should be in every woman's cosmetic bag. To start a long day, you need a sunscreen as a protective skin from ultraviolet rays that are not so good for skin conditions, especially if the weather is the hot pan.
How to treat skin naturally by trying scrubbing. Purpose scrubbing the dead skin cells that stick up thoroughly so that the skin can look fresh, clean and bright. Perform scrubbing every week twice. You can make yourself scrubbing material from natural materials, such as a mixture of honey with sugar.
Body Lotion
Get used to regularly wear a body lotion. It aims to maintain skin softness and skin care to avoid black spots. You can apply body lotion to the entire surface of the skin after each bath.Select a body lotion containing yam if you want the whiter skin.
Enough sleep.
The purpose of maintaining sleep patterns become more controlled and orderly so that the body is able to regenerate the skin well, the growth of new skin cells do occur when the body is in a state of unconsciousness in the evenings. Thus, it is recommended that you do not get used to staying up until midnight, sleep suit the recommended time of 8 hours.
How to care for the skin naturally also can do by avoiding the consumption of alcoholic beverages which is not good for skin health, smoking is also worth to avoid because besides not good for skin conditions, smoking also cut your lifespan and very risky for the fetus if you are pregnant. 


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