Thursday 1 October 2015

Garlic for Health Benefits

Benefits of Garlic for Health. It was not only used as a spice in cooking it but in a lot of garlic also contains many useful properties for our health. Garlic is a plant that grows in tropical and gets enough sunlight.

Chemical content that is naturally already present in garlic turned out to be very useful for our health. The benefits of garlic which as we know is as a spice in cooking, other than that some are using it as an antiseptic for the content of antibiotics in it. Below we discuss some of the benefits of garlic for the health of our bodies is based on the content inside.
Garlic for Health Benefits

Benefits of Garlic

  1. Treating Diseases Flu and Cough
    Based on research conducted by researchers from Brigham Young University, Utah in 1992 found that garlic is crushed and mixed with oil can kill two kinds of diseases heroes and rhinovirus type 2 usually causes the flu. Garlic also contains sulfur (sulfur substances) that can relieve the airways and help remove the mucus. You can eat raw garlic as much as you feel the flu. When you cough, you can mix the garlic pieces into the hot milk and drink it warm.

  2. Treating Cancer
    The benefits of garlic not only for mild illness, severe illness level of cancer can be prevented. Garlic contains Organosulfur that are beneficial to the heart in the process of filtering toxic compounds into the body. Thus,
consuming garlic pieces tantamount to fight against toxins and cancer that can invade your body.
  • Increase Stamina
    Mixing the garlic into our food or meeting garlic every day can be a source of physical strength and stamina of our body. This is the benefit of garlic special. When you feel tired easily or susceptible to colds, it is the right time for you to start taking and feel the benefits of garlic.
  • Treating Diseases Diabetes
    As a control for those who suffer from diabetes. Garlic blended with food can increase stamina diabetes patients who generally always experience physical fatigue.
  • Treating Ulcer Disease   
    For those of you who have ulcer disease, is easy enough simply wash with clean garlic and then chew. Do it at least 3 times a day until your ulcer improved.
  • Relieve Asthma  
    the way is quite easy you just mix the honey with garlic that has been crushed. Strain and then drink every morning routine until your condition improves
  • Acne Medication 
    Benefits of garlic for acne, because the garlic is much contained antibacterial effective against germs that cause acne. Mashed garlic finely enough to form a paste and apply on the acne regularly every day until cured.
  • Treating Disease Piles or hemorrhoids
    do this by rubbing garlic juice each day to the anal area. This method is mostly done by a few people and is proven effective in helping reduce the pain of hemorrhoids.

  • Even the benefits of garlic can smooth the skin because it contains organosulfur Alice capable of providing moisture and are also able to get rid of stretch marks. You can also feel the benefits of garlic is to prevent premature aging insert can remove blackheads. Natural materials are very good for maintaining health, besides there Savor Sweet Purple for Health.


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