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Forgotten While Pregnant | No doubt that, pregnancy is a time when a woman is much to forget a lot of things. Because the joy of the presence of the baby who is now making things it contains important unthinkable anymore. In fact, there are many advantages gained with the things that are forgotten.
Here are some things you might forget when you are busy thinking about a pregnancy:
Here are some things you might forget when you are busy thinking about a pregnancy:
1. Relax
Inhaling a deep breath and release it slowly, making the muscles relax and help your mind to remain stable. This activity will get you through the first trimester of pregnancy more easily.
Inhaling a deep breath and release it slowly, making the muscles relax and help your mind to remain stable. This activity will get you through the first trimester of pregnancy more easily.
Try to do some form of relaxation to avoid stress and depression that can cause problems in pregnancy.
2. The super food for pregnant women
super foods that contain many nutrients and nutrients actually came from some of these foods.
super foods that contain many nutrients and nutrients actually came from some of these foods.
• Fruit-colored fruits and vegetables
• Eggs
• Salmon
• Walnuts, and
• Legumes
• Eggs
• Salmon
• Walnuts, and
• Legumes
Try to consume foods proficiency level in sufficient quantities during pregnancy.
3. Journals
For pregnant women, it is important to note what they have experienced, and what happens every hour or every day during her pregnancy. It is important to know the health chronological, and what activities should and should not be done by pregnant women each month.
For pregnant women, it is important to note what they have experienced, and what happens every hour or every day during her pregnancy. It is important to know the health chronological, and what activities should and should not be done by pregnant women each month.
Because what you experience may be repeated in subsequent pregnancies. So, you or the doctor already has a handle and the manual that you can make a reference.
4. Considering the weight
bustle and activity on a daily basis often makes a person forget to monitor their weight during pregnancy. Important for pregnant women keep their weight steady and ride on reasonable boundaries.
bustle and activity on a daily basis often makes a person forget to monitor their weight during pregnancy. Important for pregnant women keep their weight steady and ride on reasonable boundaries.
5. Entertainment
A pregnant woman can do anything he likes. For example, go to the movies, watch their favorite movies, eating out, pedicure, manicure, or something else that can be enjoyed and fun.
This activity would deprive pregnant women of stress.
A pregnant woman can do anything he likes. For example, go to the movies, watch their favorite movies, eating out, pedicure, manicure, or something else that can be enjoyed and fun.
This activity would deprive pregnant women of stress.
6. Share with friends
first pregnancy often makes one's feelings volatile and erratic. Share to alleviate the burden with a friend or friends. Sharing is one way you can do to calm down, and reduce anxiety.
first pregnancy often makes one's feelings volatile and erratic. Share to alleviate the burden with a friend or friends. Sharing is one way you can do to calm down, and reduce anxiety.
7. Photo
Capture images every week during pregnancy is the best way to document yourself.
Capture images every week during pregnancy is the best way to document yourself.
8. Having sex when you feel the need
if you feel you're in a good mood to perform this ritual, you can do it with your partner, and there is no need.
But do it in a way that is softer and smoother.
if you feel you're in a good mood to perform this ritual, you can do it with your partner, and there is no need.
But do it in a way that is softer and smoother.
9. Know the signs of pregnancy problems
Equip yourself with knowledge about the signs of pregnancy are important issues that you must have. Some of the problems that may occur in pregnant women as
Equip yourself with knowledge about the signs of pregnancy are important issues that you must have. Some of the problems that may occur in pregnant women as
• Infants who are not moving or kicking less than usual. You can ask the obstetrician or midwife you personally why it happened
• Pain or tenderness in the abdomen that is severe and ongoing
• Bleeding that occurs in the vagina
• Increased fluid or mucus in the vagina
• The pressure is too heavy on the flanks as the pressure exerted by the baby who produces cramping, abdominal pain and contractions before 37 weeks
• burning pain during urination
• Vomiting and fever and pain
• Swelling that occurs on the face or around the eyes, and in the hand, followed by a weight gain of more than 4 kg in a week
• Depression or excessive anxiety
If one point above happens to you, immediately call a doctor or midwife. Or ask for help.
It helps you not to forget important things in pregnancy you are.
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