Thursday, 1 October 2015

Causes and How to Treat Acne Oily Skin

Causes and How to Treat Acne Oily Skin. Anyone would want a clean face and smooth. But, in the face of oil that makes our face looks shiny, in addition to being a place of attachment of dust, germs, and bacteria oily face is one of the causes of acne if not addressed immediately. Almost everyone with acne has oily skin types. Although there are few bona fide cases of dry skin but acne. The oil produced will guarantee healthy skin, moist, and maintained firmness. But if too much oil production will lead to some problems in the skin. The owner oily susceptible to acne than other skin types. Oil on the face can be a trap for dirt and pollution that eventually mixes with the bacteria that cause acne. Therefore, the owner of the oily face requires special care. The facial treatment method is wrong it will aggravate the condition of the face, especially if you already pimply face.
Causes and How to Treat Acne Oily Skin

Causes Oily Skin Acne

Dietary habit
Reduce foods high in fat, or foods containing coconut milk and oil. When excessive consumption of foods containing fats and oils, the oil levels in the body will increase. Nutritional and vitamin deficiencies may also lead to oily skin.

Be careful choosing cosmetics because any use of the product can cause damage to the face, plus nowadays many cosmetics that contain harmful substances.

An unhealthy lifestyle can cause facial skin becomes unhealthy. Rarely exercise, taking drugs and alcohol are some unhealthy habits.

Heredity Factors
If the parents have an oily tone and your facial skin too oily. That means your oily face caused by heredity.

When someone in puberty or women who are pregnant often experience a hormonal imbalance, these things can cause oily skin.

Dead Skin Cells
Generally, acne is caused by the excess gland. Acne arises because the excess oil glands mix with dead skin cells. When the skin cells were mixed with the amount of soap

which has increased the mixture is thick and sticky it can form a plug that into black or white spots.

To make matters more complicated, the bacteria normally present in the skin, called p. acne tends to proliferate in the clogged sebaceous glands, which produce substances that cause irritation to the surrounding area. The gland continues to swell and may be broken, then spreading inflammation to the surrounding skin area.

Caring for Oily Skin Acne

Powder Drugs
Powder medications containing salicylic acid, gloat acid, or other oil absorbent material can help you take care of the facial skin you.

Paper Oil
Paper beneficial oil to remove the oil without making your skin dry. blotting paper to wipe oily parts of the face for 20 seconds.

The most effective way to treat and eliminate oily skin is to cleanse your face both morning and evening. Use a gentle face cleanser for your face and a soft towel to wipe the face and.Pembersih face was just not able to get rid of the oil. Therefore, try products containing acids: such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid or beta-hydroxy acids. "Many products that contain acids contained in acne treatment products. Thus, these products are not only good for acne treatment but also good for oily skin, "brotula presented April Armstrong, MD. However, because some of these materials can cause irritation, then use the acid concentration according to the strength of your skin. Wash with warm water, not hot, because extreme temperatures can irritate the skin.

Egg whites
The trick then take the egg yolk separated egg whites only. Whisk briefly and then apply to face and let sit for up to 15 minutes. This reduces the egg white in the face of oil that often causes acne.

If you want to deal with acne try men said two slices of lemon and rub the cut on the skin with acne, feel the results after a few weeks. For oily skin problem, you can squeeze lemon juice and mix premises 1 tablespoon of sugar, and rub it into the face and let stand and rinse thoroughly.

Those are some ways to care for oily skin and acne, good luck ...


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