Wednesday, 7 October 2015

What the Air Membranes ?

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What the Air Membranes ?

Amniotic fluid and functions

During pregnancy, the baby will be protected in a bag containing amniotic fluid is water when it is inside the mother's womb. The amniotic sac wall consists of two membranes that chorion and amnionBoth of these membranes that keep the baby stay safe in the amniotic fluid. When labor, this membrane will open. That means, the baby is ready to be born and the liquid will come out simultaneously with the release of the baby to facilitate and protect it until birth.
Pockets and amniotic fluid serve to protect the baby from any harmful start of pressure on your stomach, pinched, or injured. In addition, the amniotic fluid is also useful to help the baby's lungs and protect the baby from infection. Air ketubah different from the urine when urine is usually slightly yellowish color, the amniotic fluid is clear and odorless.

Amount of amniotic fluid

The baby is in your belly regularly drink amniotic fluid and remove it as urine. That means that the amount of fluid in the amniotic sac can go up or down each day. Since the beginning of pregnancy, the fluid inside the amniotic sac will continue to grow in volume. Starting from just a few milliliters in early pregnancy, and then increased to 1.4 liters or 1.6 liters when you are 36 weeks gestation. Furthermore, starting from week 38, the liquid will slowly begin to decrease until you are ready to give birth.
If the amniotic fluid you have too little, the condition is usually referred to as oligohydramnios, conversely if too much is called polyhydramnios or hydramnios.

I know the normal amount of amniotic fluid

Perhaps you are wondering how much the actual amount or volume of water that is in the membranes that can be called as the normal amount.
In general, pregnant women can not find out the amount of amniotic fluid that they have certainty. But the doctor or midwife will tell you whether you deficiency of amniotic fluid or not.
If the midwife or doctor feels that you have too little amniotic fluid, they will usually advise you to perform ultrasound or scan. In this way can be used to determine the level of water in the inside of membranes.

Is lack of amniotic fluid can affect the baby?

It all depends on what is causing the amniotic fluid level deficiency itself. If you are too little amniotic fluid in the first trimester and second trimester, it may cause your baby to miscarriage or stillbirth.
Deficiency of amniotic fluid during pregnancy can also affect the baby's growth. This is because the amniotic fluid is supporting the development of the lungs.
Deficiency of amniotic fluid during the first trimester and second trimester is rare. However, usually the problem of shortage of amniotic fluid is often the case when you enter the third trimester of pregnancy.
At trimester pregnancy, you should be more active and continues to monitor the development of your amniotic fluid. Moreover, when you visit a doctor to try asking your amniotic fluid conditions. If you are short of amniotic fluid, the doctor will usually incorporate auxiliary fluids through a vein (intravenously) if necessary. Because, if you are deficient in the amniotic fluid, it can cause complications when giving birth.
Lack of fluids can also cause birth breech because it does not have enough space to change its position.
If your membranes rupture too early or too early, it will cause premature labor. If this happens, it is likely the doctor will give you antibiotics to prevent infections that can affect the baby.
This problem actually not stops there, the baby who is depressed may be wasting meconium in the amniotic fluid. If the baby inhaling meconium is, at worst, can cause breathing problems in the baby at birth.
Another problem that can arise because of a lack of amniotic fluid is when labor takes place.You and the baby will continue to be monitored whether the baby could come out with normal or not. If not, chances are the doctor will suggest to delivery by cesarean section.

Actually, what causes a person to experience a shortage of amniotic fluid?

The cause of the lack of amniotic fluid is usually because:
  • Pregnant lasting more than 42 weeks
  • Problems with the placenta (placental insufficiency)
  • Can also be caused by some medications you are taking during pregnancy
  • If you have a medical problem eg kidney problems
  • If you are pregnant identical twins who do not grow in proportion or not grow normally

When to water breaks?

Rupture of amniotic fluid would normally on the 37th week of pregnancy, but if you feel that your amniotic fluid leak or rupture before the 37th week it is good to immediately ask for help or medical help.
Risks that may occur when water breaks before the 37th week of which is an infection in infants and infants born prematurely.
Good information about the amniotic fluid is beneficial for you who are enjoying pregnancy


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