Friday 2 October 2015

Prevent Heart Disease With Water

Prevent Heart Disease With Water. Heart disease is a disease that is very dangerous and deadly this disease is pe nye abab of death in adults in the United States heart disease is not independent of lifestyles that are less healthy, factors for trigger heart attacks is smoking, consuming food bank lest Rol high, lack of movement, lazy to exercise, stress and lack of rest.
Prevent Heart Disease With Water

The heart is a muscular organ in the form of a hollow conical and the base above and below the peak in cardiac function as pumping blood throughout the body, the heart is one organ that plays an important role in blood circulation in tuath.Penyakit system heart is a condition that causes the heart can not do their job properly.

Causes of Heart Disease   

A weak heart muscle usually a weak heart muscle is Kelana NA congenital heart muscle is weak making the patient unable to perform activities excessively because the imposition of excessive cardiac performance will cause pain in the chest are usually people with weak heart muscle is easy to faint.

The gap between the right and left atrium due to incomplete formation of a separate layer between the second platform, it can cause the blood clean and dirty blood mixed. Patients with this disease also can not do heavy activity because it can lead to the face and lips turned blue and breathless.

Heart disease can be fatal article can lead to heart attacks where these conditions led to the heart did not be fungi this condition usually occurs suddenly and is often referred to as heart failure resulting in death, cause of heart failure vary, but usually the main cause is the inhibition of the supply -out blood to the heart muscle due to blood vessels usually drain blood to the heart muscle too clogged or hardened could be because of fat, cholesterol, chemicals and nicotine.Macam kinds of heart disease based on medical science is:

Atherosclerosis is caused by thickened artery walls due to fat, cholesterol, and other managed gap discharge cells so that the blood supply to the muscle cells undergo this pen amba tan.penyakit often referred to as the coronary disease or ischemic heart disease, the disease starts from the lesion and vessel cracks vessels blood especially because there is strong pressure on the heart vessels, symptoms

the beginning of the disease is angina pectoris which causes pain in the heart and chest area due to reduced blood supply to the heart.

Acute Myocardial Infarction
Is the death of heart muscle caused by a blockage in the coronary arteries.

Heart valve abnormalities
Heart valve abnormalities will interrupt the flow of blood to the body such as downsizing, leakage or imperfect heart valve heart valve abnormalities usually is congenital or can also be due to the side effects of many medications.

This disease is due to damage or disruption to the heart muscle so that the walls of the heart does not move perfectly.

Arritmatia means an abnormal heart rhythm disturbance caused by stimulation of heart weight / lightweight.

Rheumatic Heart Disease
Is a heart disease which is caused by damage to the heart valves caused by rheumatic fever bacterium stertorous is one cause.

Heart Inflammation
The disease occurs in the walls of the heart   membrane that surrounds the heart and the inside of the heart, this is caused by toxins and infections.

Efforts to tackle early as possible is very good at doing the article can prevent things that are not desirable, according to one study in the American journal of epidemiology that risk of heart disease and sudden death can be prevented about 40% by consuming 8 glasses of water every white Karina.Air very well taken because it serves in the process of digestion, circulation, excrete metabolic waste, saliva production and maintain body temperature and pen imba Ngan the lymph system that can fight infections that can disrupt thyroid health of your body.

Benefits of water to prevent heart is when water is taken to be absorbed into the blood stream it can decrease the thickness of the blood vessels, so the risk of heart attack triggered by a blood clot was reduced .In addition to water can prevent heart disease menu aka water is also a factor in the main body health, therefore, make it a habit of drinking 8 glasses of water a day followed by a healthy lifestyle so that you can be free of any disease.


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