Thursday 8 October 2015

5 Things Most Experienced by Pregnant Women In Third Trimester

Entering the second trimester of pregnancy, nausea and vomiting or morning sickness and fatigue that often attack early in pregnancy is during the first trimester will begin to decrease.You will feel as usual in this second trimester. Trimester second is the most comfortable during pregnancy, where you can sleep soundly and comfortably, and can work as usual.
5 Things Most Experienced by Pregnant Women In Second Trimester

In the second trimester, the baby will grow quickly, especially in week 18 to week 22. You can perform an ultrasound scan to see your baby's development. In addition, in the second trimester of this you can see the baby's gender.
Some problems may often experience by those who are pregnant in the second trimester is.
  1. Back pain
Expenses increased mainly on the back of the abdomen will make you work harder. So, maybe you will feel stiff and sore. To reduce the pressure and the pain you can do several things ranging from
  • Sitting upright
  • Using means or pillows to make you comfortable
  • Sleeping on his side and slipped a pillow between your legs
  • Avoid carrying something heavy
  • Wear comfortable shoes without rights
If the pain is making you feel uncomfortable, you can ask your spouse to help massage the area where you feel very sore. It can reduce pain and soreness that you experience.
  1. Bleeding gums
Half of pregnant women in the second trimester swelling of the gums. This is often the case because of the hormonal changes that send more blood to the gums. Thus, making it sensitive and bleed easily.
The gums will return to normal after you give birth. To solve this problem, you can take advantage of a toothbrush that has soft edges. A woman who often experience problems in the gums usually prone to premature delivery or low birth weight problems (LBW).
  1. Enlarged breasts
Painful breast problems during the first trimester will be gradually reduced in the second trimester. But another problem arises, namely the size of enlarged breasts. It is still quite reasonable and normal because the breasts are preparing food or breast milk for the baby later.
To solve this problem you can choose a bra size larger and can make you feel comfortable.
  1. Continuous urination
In the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus will be up and away from the pelvic cavity. In addition, the amount of content would suppress bladder, pregnant women. This is why you should or constantly going to the bathroom to urinate. However, this problem usually does not last long and will be gradually recovered. This problem will reappear in the last trimester of pregnancy.
  1. Headache
Headache is one of the complaints most commonly found in pregnant women, especially in the second trimester.
To overcome this try
  • Rest
  • Train yourself to relax, and
  • Inhaling a deep breath to relieve pain in the head.
Taking aspirin or other headache medication is not recommended for pregnant women. However, if the headache is very disturbing, you can consult a doctor and ask for advice.
The doctor is likely to prescribe suitable for women pregnant in the second trimester to reduce the pain in your head.


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