Thursday, 1 October 2015

Sleeping with the Light On Dangers

Sleeping with the Light On danger. Sleep is an activity that is routinely performed every person, whether night or day. Some people do sleep during the day to refresh the power while a break of the activity, but that the majority of people would do is sleep at night. Night's sleep is an activity for the rest of the body after a day of activities. 
Sleeping with the Light On Dangers

Sometimes some people prefer to sleep very late at night, do not even sleep until sunrise. This is not an act that is true, the body's biological clock can be disturbed if bedtime is reduced. Sleep is a primary activity that is needed by the body. Lack of sleep can lead to reduced concentration and forgetfulness. Lack of sleep means the body lacks the time to rest the body that can lead to health problems are quite dangerous as stroke, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc. Recommended to sleep time is approximately 7-8 hours for adults and approximately 10 hours for children and adolescents. 

Lack of sleep can lead to dangerous health problems, but excessive sleep can also cause health problems are quite dangerous. During sleep, the body's metabolism running slower. Gradually, excessive sleep can take you on obese or overweight. Sleep is good for memory formation, but excessive sleep can slow brain cell function so that it becomes easy to forget. Too much sleep can affect your social life. Excessive sleep can make you miss the social activities you should do. In addition, excessive sleep can make you exposed to other health problems such as diabetes, back pain to depression.

Some people prefer to turn off the lights when you sleep at night. Some of them chose to remain lit when sleeping at night. Some people who make your choice turn off the lights when you sleep at night, consider the situation more comfortable sleeping with the lights off. Besides feels more comfortable, more restful sleep well. People who choose to remain turned on the lights when you sleep at night,

some because they feel afraid and uncomfortable if it should turn out the lights and the room became a completely dark state. 

Night sleep with a fully darkened room conditions can provide great health effects on the body. Then you know that the night's sleep with the lights on can increase the risk of serious health disorders? Some people choose to keep turning on lights when you sleep a night may not know, but slept the night with lights that lit circumstances can increase the risk of serious health disorders such as cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic system disorders. Here are some health problems that threaten if you slept the night with the state of the lights are lit:


Sleeping with the Light On Dangers

  • The research report OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTRE declares that, to sleep with the lights lit circumstances may cause changes in the structure of the brain and cause depression.

  • The hormone melatonin is a hormone the body's immune defense against dangerous health problems such as prostate cancer and breast cancer will not produce if you sleep with the lights lit circumstances. The presence of light or light will make it halted production of the hormone melatonin. Therefore, you should turn off your lights when sleeping at night.

  • Exposure to light while sleeping at night is not good for women because it can increase the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer for women.

  • Sleeping with lights on can lead to disrupted body clock, you can be exposed to the consequences of sleep disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic disorders. As well as the chances of developing diabetes that threatens your life.

Now you already know the dangers of sleep a night with the lights lit circumstances. So far turned out to sleep the night with a light state of the dead and a fully darkened room brings many benefits. Besides saving energy, dangerous health problems could be avoided with a dark room during the night. So go to sleep at night without the lights are lit from now,


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