Wednesday 30 September 2015

Overcome Dry Hair in Natural

Overcome Dry Hair in Natural. Hair is a crown for everyone. Hair healthy and beautiful course will support our appearance. So no wonder if a lot of people, especially women, have always wanted a healthy beautiful hair and perfect so it would make more confident. Not a few people who are willing to spend a lot of money to buy hair care products in order to get the hair they want.

Especially for those of you who have long hair, one of the main problems frequently encountered is the appearance of dry hair. This problem can actually be solved in a manner that is easy if done with painstaking and sustained. Here are some tips and ways to overcome naturally dry hair that you can practice at home so you do not have to spend much money to take care of your hair.


Overcome Dry Hair

Avocados are one type of fruit which is very rich benefits, including to cope with dry hair. The trick is to soften the flesh of an avocado to form a paste, then apply to the entire section of hair from the start until the end of the hair scalp. After that, leave on hair for 20 minutes, then rinse with water until clean.

Lemon also can use to cope with dry hair. The trick is to mix two tablespoons of lemon juice with one tablespoon of honey (or multiples thereof with the same ratio). After two material was mixed, apply to all parts of the hair from the roots to the ends of the hair. Then cover the hair with a warm towel and leave it up to about one hour, then rinse the hair with clean water.

Do not Wear Hair Shampoo Too Often
You also can do to cope with dry hair is not shampooed using hair shampoo too often. Men amp hair too often will make the natural oils in the hair is reduced so that hair moisture will be reduced and become a main cause of the dry hair. It is recommended
Overcome Dry Hair in Natural

use shampoo to wash it two or three days so that the hair does not dry.

Rubbing the hair with Soft
Dry hair will also  other hair problems like dandruff, hair loss, or branched. Therefore, you should be careful in dealing with the hair to prevent rapid deterioration. The trick is to wash carefully. Advised to rub the hair gently and do not pull or stretch the hair by using overthrow. Not advisable also to rub the scalp with the fingernail as it could break the hair and also make the scalp becomes irritated. To treat the hair and scalp, you can do so by gently massaging your head with using the fingertips. Avoid combing hair when the hair is still wet and select a soft comb.

Using Conditioner
One way to overcome hair naturally. Search conditioner that does not contain alcohol because alcohol can make your hair becomes drier. You can also use a body lotion in a way rub after a wash before going to bed. After that, you can use a shower cap covering the head during sleep and in the morning rinse.

Eggs can also be an option to cope with dry hair, how to mix an egg with half a cup of warm water. After that stir well and apply to your hair evenly. After that, you can rinse with warm water until clean. Besides can make your hair more clean and free of dry hair, eggs can also make your hair more lustrous.

Avoiding Heat
Avoid the heat, especially using hot rollers or a hot comb will make your hair becomes dry. It is therefore recommended not to use these tools. If Canada use a blow dryer to dry your hair, then you can set the blow dryer to heat the smallest and never pull or stretch your hair when the hair is being exposed to heat because it will make your hair drier.

Well from now hospitalized, and spare your hair as a crown, let me be the pride and increase confidence. Good tips cope with hair dry naturally on top can be useful for all. Cassava leaves turned out to be very beneficial to maintain a healthy body, for you who want to know more. Read: Benefits of cassava leaves.


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