Wednesday 30 September 2015

Efficacy and Benefits of Cassava Leaves

Efficacy and Benefits of Cassava Leaves

Efficacy and Benefits of cassava leaves. Cassava leaves or sometimes known as sweet leaf. Who does not know the plant this one, now on this occasion we try to discuss the benefits and efficacy of this cassava leaves. True yams or cassava Manihot utilissima has a Latin name, which is where this plant has many benefits for humans, especially the leaves. 

Cassava leaves in the bud are usually utilized to serve as a vegetable by some communities in Indonesia. Some valuable nutrients, contained in the leaves of cassava such as vitamin B1, vitamin A, essential amino acids, and carbohydrates. It certainly makes the benefits of cassava leaves  is very good when consumed as your daily menu. Not only as a vegetable, cassava leaves have other benefits which are as follows.

Benefits of Cassava Leaves

Medicine for a headache
Prepare a few leaves of cassava or potato shoots are still fresh wash thoroughly, crushed leaves of cassava that we prepared in a manner pounded. Compressor stick our head gets ailing, do the treatment every day for headaches is still not cured.

Diarrhea medicine
Prepare a bunch of cassava leaves wash and then boiled cassava leaves with 900cc, until the water is reduced to 450cc. Strain the stew earlier, divided into two parts and drink twice a day morning and evening.

Drug  Rheumatism
Prepare fresh cassava leaves approximately 5 pieces, red ginger 15 grams, writing taste. Blend all of these ingredients with crushed or blended way, and do not forget mixed with a little water, apply the portion of our body gets affected by rheumatic pain is.

Vegetable protein sources
Cassava leaves is a type of vegetable protein that contains vitamin B. Vitamin B is needed to build the body's cells that will form the enzymes that help the body's metabolism.

Energy sources
Essential amino acids in cassava leaves help change carbohydrates into energy to be used by the body move.

The free radicals that surround each of our activities consume cassava leaves are rich in antioxidants to prevent cancer symptoms.

Feeding the Brain
Various studies suggest that in cassava leaves there are a variety of amino acids that the body needs both to help convert carbohydrates into energy, helps restore skin and bones, improve memory, brain performance and metabolism of other amino acids. In regard to the intellectual brain, there are some amino acids contained in cassava, which is glutamic acid, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan.

Pregnant mother
Many have asked whether cassava leaves good for pregnant women? My answer is yes, cassava leaves good for pregnant women because cassava leaves contain iron is high enough so that it can help pregnant women avoid anemia.

Blurred eye views drugs
Did you get a problem with that as blurred vision? Treat with a mixture of cassava leaves. You do this by boiling the cassava leaves with salt and garlic. After that cassava leaves eaten with rice as a salad.

In addition to the tube cassava leaves are usually also used as a staple food in certain areas, therefore the efficacy and benefits of cassava leaves at the top, let's do not hesitate to consume leaves of cassava. For those of you who have a hemorrhoid problem, read: How To Treat Piles.


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